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Women & ADHD Podcast

late diagnosis turned her world upside down.

Join Katy Weber each week as she interviews other women who discovered they have ADHD in adulthood and are finally feeling like they understand who they are and how to best lean into their strengths, both professionally and personally.

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Alejandra Kottke: Impulsivity and the importance of sunshine for the ADHD brain [Top 10 Replay with Bonus Update] Oct 16, 2023


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Welcome back to my special Top 10 Replay series, where I’m re-releasing 10 interviews that really stood out to me and have stayed with me in some particular way — either because of the topic, or the conversation, or the feedback I received from listeners. For various r...

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Jess Keogh: The trouble with relaxation [Top 10 Replay] Oct 09, 2023


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Welcome back to my special Top 10 Replay series, where I’m re-releasing 10 interviews that really stood out to me and have stayed with me in some particular way — either because of the topic, or the conversation, or the feedback I received from listeners. For various r...

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Sari Solden: Why ADHD is different for women [Top 10 Replay with Bonus Update] Oct 02, 2023


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Welcome back to my special Top 10 Replay series, where I’m re-releasing 10 interviews that really stood out to me and have stayed with me in some particular way — either because of the topic, or the conversation, or the feedback I received from listeners. For various r...

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Visit our transcript archive:


Episode 1-134