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Women & ADHD Podcast
A late diagnosis turned her world upside down.
Join Katy Weber each week as she interviews other women who discovered they have ADHD in adulthood and are finally feeling like they understand who they are and how to best lean into their strengths, both professionally and personally.
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“My dad always said, ‘You're brilliant, but you have no stick-to-itiveness.’ I did so many different things but I couldn’t stick with anything for long.”
Melody is a 45-year-old radiologic technologist from Central Florida. When her son was little, he was diagnosed wi...
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“This isn’t just a new chapter; it really does feel like a new life. My diagnosis not only changed but actually saved my life.”
Laura is an ADHD activist and the host of the popular ADHDAF podcast. Laura's life was not only transformed but saved by her ADHD diagnosis ...
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“My ‘To Do’ list feels like a table covered in those buzzers they give you at chain restaurants. Everything feels urgent and everything is competing for my attention.”
You may remember that I have another podcast called @theadhdlounge , which I co-host with fellow ADH...