1:1 Coaching with Emily


Hi, I’m Emily! I’m a certified ADHD coach and I would absolutely love to work with you. As a coach, my main goal is to help my clients understand how ADHD shows up in their lives so they can stop asking themselves “What’s wrong with me??” and start finding ways to work WITH their brain instead of against it.

I strongly believe that having someone who truly understood what it’s like living with ADHD enabled me to shift how I was viewing myself and how I was approaching life.

And I want to be that person for you. I would absolutely LOVE the opportunity to support you as you begin to understand and embrace your uniquely ADHD brain.

 Book your FREE consult:

Introductory coaching package offer:

Ready to book?

4 sessions with Emily for $499 USD

Book your first session below!

You are registering for:

  • Four 1:1 ADHD coaching sessions (50 min each) via Zoom
  • ongoing online support for check-ins and accountability via the Women & ADHD coaching portal

Self-concept & the power of reframing our ADHD

Want to learn more about Emily? Listen to Emily's interview on the Women & ADHD podcast.

Listen to the episode