Morgan Meredith: AI tools, group coaching & transcranial magnetic stimulation

Jul 24, 2023


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Episode 147 with Morgan Meredith.

“My therapist had me make a list of the things I love about myself and a list of things I wish I could change. So many things about me were on both lists.”

Morgan is a “gifted kid” turned ADHD entrepreneur, as well as the founder of AccountableHero, a service that helps coaches streamline their entire business into one platform and turn software frustration into confidence and ease. 

We talk all about how AI tools can be helpful for neurodivergent brains, especially ChatGPT and Goblin Tools. We also discuss her positive experiences with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for her depression.

Morgan is also the wizard behind the creation of my “Hey, it’s ADHD!” online course. She’s also a graduate of my group coaching program, and we talk all about her experience with my group coaching program and how her life has been transformed as a result. 



$50 off Morgan’s “Build That Course” program:

Resources mentioned:

Coach Accountable 

“Hey, It’s ADHD!” (Katy’s self-guided course)

Goblin Tools

Chat GPT



Katy Weber (she/her) (00:00.818)
Hi, Morgan. How are we going to keep this to an hour? Uh, who I know, right? Deep breaths. Um, so I kind of feel like I want to start. I can't decide if I want to start by talking about all the different ways we know each other, but, or if I should just start traditionally with your diagnosis story. So I think we'll actually start with how and when you were diagnosed, how long ago were you diagnosed with ADHD? What was kind of the process leading up to that?

Morgan Meredith (00:02.262)
Hi, Katie.

Morgan Meredith (00:06.03)

Katy Weber (she/her) (00:28.366)
What were some of those things where you were like, oh, I should really look into this?

Morgan Meredith (00:33.174)
Yeah, I was diagnosed in October of 2020. So like you, I'm a pandemic diagnosis.

Katy Weber (she/her) (00:39.608)
That's exact same, October 2020.

Morgan Meredith (00:42.61)
Yeah, I actually went back and checked my medical records because I knew you would ask that. So I have kind of a unique diagnosis story. I was switching psychiatrists, which I was seeing a psychiatrist. I've been seeing one for many years for my depression and anxiety, which I'd like to come back to because I got a treatment this year that's potentially permanent and I really want to talk about it. Mind blowing, yes, I know. So I switched psychiatrists and in the intake,

Katy Weber (she/her) (00:46.97)

Morgan Meredith (01:12.142)
call, all on zoom of course or whatever internal you know insurance company thing that they do. She went through my family history you know what kind of mental illness or whatever is going on with your family and I just casually mentioned you know both my brothers have ADHD. I don't know if they still consider themselves as having ADHD but they were diagnosed and she said oh that's interesting. Did you know that's genetic? And I said no I didn't know that. She goes do you have ADHD? And I said I don't know absolutely not no I don't think so.

And she said, well, if we have some time at the end, do you want to do the test? And I was like, yeah, sure, whatever. Like it was so casual, Katie, it's so different from, oh my gosh, I desperately need this and I also wasn't seeking a diagnosis for a long time. Like I know I'm very fortunate compared to people all around the world who are spending this long time seeking it. So we did the test and a good portion of the questions, of course, I think the test is really funny because it's...

Some of the questions, one of the questions is, answer this as, do you do this more than most people you know? And of course we start over analyzing because that's part of it. Like, well, let me think about most of the people I know. And some of them do this and some of them don't do this. And like, how many is most? Is it like 51% or is it like 80%? And like doing that the whole time. And so a lot of them were like, no, not more than most people I know. And then I got to one section.

Katy Weber (she/her) (02:29.359)

Morgan Meredith (02:35.938)
And it was like, yes, yes. And so she said, I'm laughing at this point with her and she says, so, yes, you have ADHD. And that moment, and I have reached out to her several times, because I no longer work with that psychiatrist because another insurance change, but I've just reached out to her to thank her so many times because like you, Katie, it changed everything.

for me, everything in my life. And I think psychiatrists don't get thanked enough for the difference they make. And I just, you know, anyone who's working with someone, make sure you take some time and let them know. And you know, you asked, looking back, what did I notice? So like you, everything, going all the way back to early childhood. I remember my parents.

would, they taught me this cute little phrase that I would say to people and it's, I'm hypoactive because I couldn't say my R's yet. Like that's how young I was that I would tell people I'm hypoactive and not hypo but hyper is my little voice. And just thinking back through school, I was an excellent student. I did not struggle in school. In fact, I

learned stuff so fast that then I'd spend the rest of the time talking to everybody else, distracting them. So looking back at all the assignments I forgot at home, big projects that I just left, losing my backpack, losing all my stuff was all just crumpled up in there and all of that. And then thinking about the impulsive decisions I've made throughout my life, including like a marriage and just like crazy stuff and...

that I would do something and immediately know it was a terrible idea. And then I'd get sort of caught and I would be like, that was a terrible idea. And my parents or whoever would be like, what were you thinking? Like, just tell us what you were thinking. And I wasn't thinking. And so I would make up a lie that sounded plausible. Maybe this would make sense. And it was clearly a lie because the lie was also bad.

Katy Weber (she/her) (04:41.539)

Morgan Meredith (04:51.85)
And then I was caught in a lie. So then they assumed I was doing something nefarious and like that I'm lying for it to cover something else up. So I was in trouble a lot just for my spontaneous impulsive decisions that were terrible. Those were legitimately bad decisions most of the time.

Katy Weber (she/her) (05:13.022)
Oh my goodness, I feel like you're describing my teenage years perfectly. Uh, yeah, I interviewed so many women who were like, no, I was great. And I, you know, talking about the high masking and I was like, no, I was definitely that kind of ADHD where I've made a lot of impulsive decisions where I look now back as an adult thinking like, I cannot believe I'm alive. Sometimes there's so many situations I got into where I was like, I can't believe I got out of that alive. Um, but now I'm curious with your brother, like where your brother's diagnosed in childhood.

Morgan Meredith (05:16.003)

Morgan Meredith (05:31.799)

Morgan Meredith (05:41.602)

Katy Weber (she/her) (05:42.53)
And so you, so here you are, both of your brothers are diagnosed, but you're also talking about being hyperactive. Like, I'm sort of like, how, how does that, how is that disconnect? Like, was it just, do you think it was this generational thing where it was like, it just doesn't exist in girls or have you talked to your parents about this at all? Or like.

Morgan Meredith (06:00.294)
I have, and it's been so wonderful, Katie, to just, and my mom went through some of the questions from your test and she was like, oh, because again, it's genetic. And so she said, I'm so sorry, your brothers, it was just so clear with them. They were just so different from you. And so I think...

Katy Weber (she/her) (06:15.878)

Morgan Meredith (06:28.822)
because they were focused on the symptoms of how it looked for my brothers, which were more physical, I think. I don't really remember, honestly, but my mom, of course, as an adult at the time, can see it from that clear perspective. And so I was like, I just didn't, it never occurred to me. And there was some very beautiful healing that happened when my mom said, I'm so sorry, things, I realized things could have gone very differently for you, had we known.

Katy Weber (she/her) (06:36.827)

Morgan Meredith (06:58.19)
And I didn't need, I didn't think I needed that. And just hearing that, something really opened up inside of me. It was such a sweet conversation. And it's funny now, and we can make jokes about the stuff I did. That's just like, oh yeah, that too. And being able to see things as a symptom instead of a moral failing has been huge for me. That's been one of my best results after this diagnosis.

Katy Weber (she/her) (07:27.354)
Oh, I love that. Because, you know, we do we talk about the complicated grief of, you know, this idea that this life I could have led, right? Had we known had things been different, and had I understood what was happening. And so, like my mom, by the time I was diagnosed, my mom had already passed away. And she's the like, I've said this before on the podcast, like she's one of the she's the one person I most wanted to talk about with this. Because I think not because I wanted to say, how could you not how could you not know, but I think she was

genuinely confused as well, right? Like I feel like she also was very much like, what's going on? Like, why is this happening? Why, you know, I had these two brothers who did so well, and she was just sort of like, I felt like she was very much along for the ride with me in terms of like, why are you so frustrated all the time? And why does this not working for you? And why, you know, do you keep dropping out of school? Like, I made her cry so many times, not because I was disappointing her, but I think she felt like I was disappointed myself constantly.

And so I think it would that you're right. Like I think there would have been a really healing, there is a really healing conversation for parents who might also just be like, God, I didn't know what I didn't know, right?

Morgan Meredith (08:35.774)
It also explains a lot of, you know, for me, one of my major symptoms is emotional dysregulation. It explains the screaming fits and the slamming the doors and the saying things that I definitely regretted immediately, but I had to stick by because I was stubborn. You know, just like something I've been working on lately is taking a look at my emotional reactions to things and

asking two questions. One, is this the right emotion for this situation? And two, is the degree to which I'm experiencing this emotion appropriate for the situation? And kind of just like taking a longer look. And I was difficult to deal with. And then like hormones were happening and all this stuff was going on. And at 12, which is kind of when the hormones thing happened, that's when I was diagnosed with depression.

And it was very, I felt like they tried to force me to take this medication and they were trying to dim who I was is how I took that. And now looking back, of course, there's more conversation around my, and my mom told me, she's like, you were miserable. I was so sad to see you so miserable. And that shifted something for me too of like, oh.

Of course, she's my mom, right? But I just, I lived in this weird world where the actual world wasn't true. And that is one of the reasons I feel like my depression diagnosis is accurate. It wasn't a stepping stone on the way to ADHD. Like it can be for some people. For me, it's legitimate. You know, there were so many times when I wished I was dead and I wished I hadn't woken up and I was miserable. And

It was, it's real. And so since I've sort of circled back to the depression thing, I do want to talk about this year, earlier this year, I received TMS treatment, which is transcranial magnetic stimulation. Just put a magnet on your head and fix your stuff. And it's, you know, without getting too far into the shit show that is the United States medical system.

Katy Weber (she/her) (11:00.987)

Morgan Meredith (11:01.858)
Um, I know you've, yeah, you've, you've been through this with, with many guests, Katie, I know, but, um, it is, I wish that this was the first option we tried with people who have mental health concerns, because right now it's one of the last options. It's after you've failed quote unquote, with I think over five.

Katy Weber (she/her) (11:03.41)

Morgan Meredith (11:26.43)
medications and luckily I had like 40 so I'm fine. Because we're basically still throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to picking antidepressants and anti-anxiety and ADHD meds. We're throwing stuff at people and just seeing what works. Not a super great system. And actually when my brother one of my brothers was taking I think it was Ritalin. He developed such extreme social anxiety that it affected everything for the rest of his life kind of thing. And so

Katy Weber (she/her) (11:34.738)

Morgan Meredith (11:55.55)
you know, there's dangers with all the meds. There are no side effects from the magnets, except for like kind of a headache for like 20 minutes maybe. And so TMS, it really is just magnets on your head. And it has recently been FDA approved in the US, of course, for ADHD treatment as well. And it is, I can only speak really a lot about the depression side, because that's what I had treated. It is potentially

permanent and I am feeling really good. And I'm, it's really nice to be able to separate out the depressive symptoms from ADHD. And I don't think my anxiety diagnosis is correct. I think the anxiety is a byproduct of the ADHD because my brain's just going, but the depression I feel like is. So unfortunately, in order to qualify for it, you have to have failed all these medications.

and you have to like take a drug test and all these weird things that have to be like prerequisites for just getting magnets on your head. And it's very expensive, unless you have super good insurance. And I think that over time, the expense will go down. So I predict like any sort of new technology, but it made a huge difference for me, Katie.

Katy Weber (she/her) (13:03.546)

Katy Weber (she/her) (13:15.474)
That is so good to know. Thank you for sharing that. And I'll hopefully put a link to something about it. I know I talked about it very briefly with Dr. Sasha Hamdani, who the, I'm trying to remember what her social media is. I'll put it in the show notes. ADHD, psych, MD or something, but she's a psychiatrist who does that. And I don't really understand how it works. Do you have a basic understanding of how it works?

what the magnets are doing?

Morgan Meredith (13:48.112)
There's, so they put it in different places on your head depending on what's being treated. So it's on the left side for depression. It's typically on the right side for anxiety. It's towards the back top of your head. For OCD, it's also been approved for OCD. And for ADHD, it's put on the prefrontal cortex, which is where our stuff is a little bit different. So.

Katy Weber (she/her) (14:10.575)

Morgan Meredith (14:12.706)
from what I understand it can sort of reset some of the pathways. And so I actually met this woman in a yoga retreat who I ended up chatting with her and we were trying to find a time to hang out. And I said, hey, I'm going through this kind of like medical treatment right now. It's every single day. Oh, by the way, Katie, it's every single day, every weekday for like 40 times. So it's a pretty-

Katy Weber (she/her) (14:36.693)
Oh wow.

Morgan Meredith (14:37.502)
It's a pretty serious commitment. And so I arranged my entire life around this. I really committed to this. Because it's important to me. I'm tired of that. And like just the fact that there was a potential treatment that was, even if it lasts one year, you know, like even if it lasts just a couple of years, even if it's not totally, you know, permanent. And the doctor did tell me, I started feeling better almost immediately, which is rare. And he said,

Katy Weber (she/her) (14:46.588)

Morgan Meredith (15:06.37)
The fact that you know this works, that means a touch-up will work if you need a touch-up. It's almost guaranteed that if you ever need a couple more sessions or whatever, you can come back and it will sort of recharge it. So I met this woman, we were trying to find a time to hang out, I said I'm going through this medical treatment and she said, are you going through TMS by chance? And I was like, oh, are my anxiety and depression just hanging out for everyone to see or what? She said, no, I just really feel like I see you.

Katy Weber (she/her) (15:28.546)

Ha ha ha!

Morgan Meredith (15:35.722)
And she told me that she had it done in Thailand, I believe. And she said, listen, right after your session, your brain is very plastic. I don't know if that's like a real thing or not, but she said your brain is very plastic. So taking some time right after your session to do something that makes your brain happy is very important. She goes, draw, listen to music, pet your dog, go for a walk. So I started

scheduling time after my TMS session to go do those things. I started drawing again for the first time in many years. I started doing a lot of like nature walks and there were like wild turkeys outside the, or yeah, turkeys outside the TMS place. And they were like full Thanksgiving sometimes with the tail up and the thing. I was like taking pictures of turkeys and listening to blues music and drawing in my car. And I feel like...

even if I weren't doing magnets on my brain, that practice was really cool in terms of taking time every day to do something that my brain likes. And just looking at my life that way, like what is my brain like? And how can I put that in my day to day? So that's something that I've sort of revived since then. As soon as I was done, I was like, oh my gosh, I'm so happy to be done with this. And I stopped doing it and now I'm sort of restarting that brain activity every day.

Katy Weber (she/her) (17:05.35)
That's amazing. You know, it reminds me of those opportunities to be in the present tense and how I feel like that is so important for, I don't know if it's important for neurodivergent brains or just everybody in general, but I remember always thinking about meditation. Cause we always talk about important meditation is and everybody struggles with it and everybody, you know, it's controversial, I guess. Um, but you know, really what it comes down to is this idea of staying in the present tense, um, and, and all, you know, depression.

anxiety, fear, worry, those are all past tense and future tense states of being. Right? We're worried about what's happening. We're ruminating of about what happened. And so something about being in the present tense, it's like building this muscle where we can just explore that sort of mental freedom, right? The lightness that comes with

just being outside and looking around. And I think that's really, really difficult for us to do naturally. Like we were so stuck in our brains all the time. Anytime we can have an opportunity to stop and kind of be in the moment, I think is helpful. That is so cool. That's so, so wait, so you did it for 40 days and then they just send you out and they're like, come back if you need a tune up, but otherwise that's it. Okay.

Morgan Meredith (18:20.206)
taper you. So you go from doing it every day to like three times a week to two times a week and that kind of thing. So yeah they follow up you know they send sort of a survey the probably I don't fill it out anymore but I'm sure it's like the PHQ-9 and the you know the GAD-7 which are the typical depression and anxiety scales of like

which like all of us know how to beat those. I wish they would just like, and I'm not trying to beat it, right? But like, I just wish they would have better skills that are a little bit less transparent. But yeah, when it comes to meditation, one of the most helpful tips that I got, because I had this whole thing of like, oh, you need to find this way for your brain to be quiet. And for those of us with ADHD, that's...

probably not a thing very often. And that like, there's like this goal of meditation. And I took this workshop with this woman who basically says meditation is a practice like going to the gym. You don't like it when you go there and you might hate it the whole time, but you do it for the results. You do it for, you know, if you work out, you may be working out for a physical goal, but often you're working out for

how you feel, how it affects your mental health, how the physical symptoms of sweating and all of that stuff. Same thing with meditation, that it's okay if it's miserable the whole time. Every time I go to workout, it's miserable the whole time. I can't wait till I'm done. And the same thing, you can do that with meditation. It's your gym for your brain.

Katy Weber (she/her) (20:00.206)
Um, yes, which I think is something that is incredibly difficult when you have ADHD, which is like that falls very squarely in the, I know it's good for me category. Um, and, and there's very little to hold onto when it comes to sustaining interest. Right. And so that's where I think so many things fall into.

Morgan Meredith (20:10.006)

Katy Weber (she/her) (20:18.098)
category for us where we really struggle doing it by ourselves. And that's where it's like, you know, notice and recognize really, really quickly if this is something that you're not able to do on your own and then figure out a way to incorporate accountability or, you know, gamify it or all the ways that we sort of need to, um, you know, streaks. I love a good, you know, 30 day streak ways that we really like ways that we need to make it interesting for us because it does. I think there's, you know,

Morgan Meredith (20:41.207)

Katy Weber (she/her) (20:47.254)
I think exercise is another one, right? That it's like, it falls very squarely in the, I know I should do this, I know it's good for me, but how do I actually get myself to do it? Anyway. Okay, so let me see. Okay, so I first met Morgan when I had signed up for coaching software. This coaching software was so confusing and there was so much to do. And so I had hired you.

with, so from the coaching software, Coach Accountable, you were working basically at helping people like me who were just overwhelmed by the platform to kind of sort it out. And so you've created this business of helping coaches to work with this specific software accountable, coach accountable. And so your business is called Accountable Hero, correct? And then, so we started working together and you were like, oh, I also have ADHD. And I was like, yeah, obviously.

I mean, mostly because you were this brilliant entrepreneur who was, you know, sparkling personality. It wasn't like, you know, you're a hot mess or anything. Although aren't we all, but you know, it was like, I can tell pretty quickly when somebody I'm working with where I'm like, yeah, that's your own journey. Um, so you were like, I also have ADHD. So we started talking more and more about it. And I don't even remember how we got to the point where we were, I think maybe we were talking about doing a, I was talking about how I really, really wanted to do a course.

Morgan Meredith (21:44.916)

Morgan Meredith (21:54.47)
Oh my god.

Katy Weber (she/her) (22:13.542)
Did you bring it up? I don't even remember. Do you even remember how we started talking about the Hey, It's ADHD course? I think you were talking about the fact that you help coaches make courses and that this is something you really like to do. And I was like, I would like to do that. And then one thing led to another. And so Morgan is the mastermind behind the Hey, It's ADHD course in terms of bringing it together and taking all of my scattered random thoughts and organizing them into a way that somebody could actually work through.

Morgan Meredith (22:16.503)
I have no idea.

Katy Weber (she/her) (22:43.322)
Um, so that's incredible. I don't, I mean, I just, I guess I want to ask you sort of how's your business going. And, um, yeah. Do you want to talk a little bit about what you do?

Morgan Meredith (22:55.222)
Yeah, I love it. And you know what, Katie, what I think happened is when I finish up the first product, which is the setting up the entire, all the pieces of your business that are boring and you know, but are necessary, like scheduling and invoicing and you know, coaching packages and reminders and all that stuff. Once all that's done, I typically say, hey, in our last meeting, hey, this was great. Here are some other things I do if you ever wanna come back. And I think you were like, oh wait, what? Courses? Oh my cool.

Katy Weber (she/her) (23:21.83)

Morgan Meredith (23:23.51)
And you chose what is kind of my favorite package, but is the most like mentally intense for me because it is, hey, here's a bunch of cool ideas I have and some thoughts and things. And you like in your case, like some like notes that I've made of like symptoms that kind of fit together somehow. And I would love to show this to people. And so we do this deep dive together, which is so fun for me. And

It's, I think my business is specifically set up really well for my ADHD brain because I do, I guarantee the whole thing done in 30 days. So it's like a very short, very intense hyper focus. Boom, boom, boom. And it involves a lot of collaboration. And I love being able to provide that feeling of I got you, you know, like, yeah, throw everything at me. If you wrote it on a napkin, take a picture with your phone and send it to me. Like, I don't care.

how you get me the information. I wanna pull it out of your brain and organize it. And for whatever reason, my brain is very good at seeing patterns. So I can take these random thoughts and these random things and be like, oh, what you're saying is this. And you're like, oh my gosh, yes, that's what I am saying. And like, it's so fun to get to collaborate like that because I am not the mastermind behind it. You're the mastermind behind it. I just put it all.

Katy Weber (she/her) (24:45.534)

Morgan Meredith (24:47.91)
in like a delivery format, right? Like you're the mail writer and I'm the postal carrier, right? Like that's what happened.

Katy Weber (she/her) (24:54.91)
Well, I think the reason why I feel like you're the mastermind is because I really just felt like it never would have happened, right? Like I feel like so often with at least with my brain, but I think with a lot of us with ADHD is that you have the ideas, it but it's just all chaotic flying around and I don't know what to do with it. And so I was so appreciative that you came in like you did and was like, throw everything at me and we'll sort through it. And I kind of love that.

It's almost like it takes two ADHD brains to have that interaction because on the one hand, like, you know, they joke like, I can't clean my own garage, but if you want me to clean your garage, right, because it brings in that novelty factor of like, oh, I get to sort through all of this stuff and create something magical out of it.

Morgan Meredith (25:28.727)

Morgan Meredith (25:37.334)
Well, and I get to learn too. So as I'm building all these courses and things for other coaches, I'm like, oh my gosh, this is so interesting. So, you know, like you always talk about our interest-based brain, which in the group program, I always thought you were saying interspace brain. Which, I like better actually, but when you talk about that interest-based brain, I,

Katy Weber (she/her) (25:51.098)
I know.

Morgan Meredith (26:02.414)
I have a fresh interest all the time and I get to learn these things most of which I'll never use but yours I was like oh my gosh this is incredible. Yeah it was very cool.

Katy Weber (she/her) (26:12.75)
Um, Oh, that's so cool. I'm glad to know that because I, you know, it's funny. My podcast editor has said that to me too, because we've been working together now for over a year and she's like, I feel like I just got a year's worth of free coaching from editing your podcast.

Morgan Meredith (26:24.714)
Yeah, well, Katie, when I took your group program and we had a one-on-one as well, I got so much out of that short time with you. One of the things that I was thinking about as I was sort of organizing my thoughts before this podcast is, I realized later, I was like, wait, Katie taught me that one-on-one. It is.

that these symptoms and these things are information. When something happens, this is information and I can learn from it and I can sort of file it away under these other pieces of information. And it's not a judgment type situation. Something happens and it's not like before my diagnosis, it was everyone else can do this. Why can't you do this? And all this like pile on of negative self-talk and all this stuff, but being more like, more like a scientist, I think is how you described it of like, oh, that's interesting.

I wonder what's going on there. And of course I'm not perfect. Like it sounds right now, like I've like moved past negative self-talk. I haven't, shocker. But I've gotten more skilled as time goes on with little tidbits like that. Like this is just information. And what will I do with that information? And sometimes the answer is nothing.

Katy Weber (she/her) (27:42.57)
Right? Yeah, I know I had a client the other day who was like, I'm never gonna get to that place, right? I feel like, you know, and I was like, well, yeah, of course you are. But you really just have to like, let's, you know, focus on what that first step is. And I think that first step is, is often to just sort of, how can I remove myself from that emotional reaction, even if it's just having the emotional reaction first, letting it happen and then saying, oh, look at that, you just had that emotional reaction you tend to have, right? Like even at some point being able

Morgan Meredith (27:48.846)
I'm going to go to bed.

Katy Weber (she/her) (28:12.294)
pivot a little bit out of out of yeah, all of that self blame and all of that negative emotional energy that we carry with us. Oh, that's so sweet.

Morgan Meredith (28:20.782)
I've been, oh yeah, no thank you Katie. Like anyone who's like on the fence about working with Katie, 100% do it. Like it's like one sentence, one sentence I'm carrying with me every day, right? Like imagine that times however many sentences that you get to have together. It was huge. And you know, something I've been working on more recently, including that, you know you're talking about the emotional reaction of it.

Getting to change my language around emotions has also been super helpful. So like even before, you know, something like this where I was like, I'm anxious, I've been changing that to, and of course anxious and excited are the same emotion, right, like they're the exact same thing physiologically. So instead of saying I'm anxious or I'm excited, saying like, I'm feeling anxious and then like the further step is I'm having anxious feelings because then it's not

I'm anxious, it's like three steps removed. Like there are some feelings happening and that's back to the, this is information. Oh, this is interesting. I'm having anxious feelings. What's that about? Like, oh, I think I'm just excited. It's so, and I like speaking of like judgments and things like that, I think I've told you about my fake cooking show with my best friend where we lived together. She also has ADHD and it was.

Katy Weber (she/her) (29:29.041)

Morgan Meredith (29:43.314)
a shit show and it was amazing and it was all of that stuff. We both learned so much. And so we started this fake cooking show called cooking with ADHD. And a lot of people have been like, you should turn it into a real cooking show.

Katy Weber (she/her) (29:56.89)
I know, right? Immediately I'm like, side hustle. The... Ha ha ha.

Morgan Meredith (30:00.118)
We have no interest in that. It would take away how fun it is. So what happens is when we make a kitchen error that is related to our ADHD, and it always is, I've heard you talk about recipes in a very similar way to how I see them, but like, just like calling each other now that we don't live together, like on today's episode of Cooking With ADHD, I screwed up microwave rice. There are three things you need to do. Put it in the microwave, open the bag. Actually, that's it.

There's two things and I guess start the microwave, which is something I sometimes forget to do as well. But like didn't open the bag, it exploded everywhere. It's literally microwave rice. And like before I would have been, like before my diagnosis, I would have been calling myself all kinds of stupid and that kind of thing. But instead I was like, oh, this is really funny. And I sent a picture to like three or four different people and informed them about the latest episode of Cooking with ADHD. And I think it's...

Hilarious, like the rice was still cooked, you know, like it was everywhere, but it was still cooked.

Katy Weber (she/her) (31:07.354)
Oh, where'd you go? Oh, there you are. OK. Let me just make a note of that minute. So I know that's funny. I had a similar instance the other day with the microwave where I put I was microwaving butter. I just wanted to soften butter, but I was didn't.

Morgan Meredith (31:11.031)
I'm here.

Katy Weber (she/her) (31:28.206)
This is, I only think in like 15 and 30 minute increments. I don't know if you're like that as well. Like I cannot, everything has to be on the quarter hour or the half hour or everything has to take 15 minutes. Anyway, I was, I was microwaving softening butter and I put it in for three minutes instead of 30 seconds and walked away from it and it obviously exploded. And yeah, I don't.

Morgan Meredith (31:53.856)
It exploded?

Katy Weber (she/her) (31:55.054)
Well, I mean, it just like bubble it, you know, three minutes for, for just butter, like a little pad of butter. It just like bubbled over and we'll like went all over the microwave and it got the microwave all. Uh, but I think in my head, I was thinking of microwave popcorn tie. I don't know what I was thinking, but yes, I do it all the time.

Morgan Meredith (31:58.946)
Thanks for watching!

Katy Weber (she/her) (32:12.11)
I'm getting back to what i wanted to say which was one of the things i love about the group coaching experience too is the validation that we provide each other with these hilarious little weird random stories right which is just like um i feel like

I love bringing together six women who are all like, okay, I have ADHD. How am I going to fix myself? And then I get, I'm like, okay, now we have all this time where we can talk to each other and realize you don't really need to be fixed. Uh, this is, I feel like it's like, you need to be cultivated. You know? Um, but I feel like that is such a wonderful thing to sit back and watch everybody just like.

relax a little bit, right? Like just feel lighter from being around each other.

Morgan Meredith (33:05.662)
Absolutely. I think, you know, I'm in a lot of like neurodivergent social media groups, but there was something very special about setting aside time to be with other women who have ADHD live on Zoom or whatever. I think it was Zoom. Yeah. And just, you know, even if you didn't have topics to talk about, which you did, I got so much out of just being

able to unmask. You'd see people fidgeting. You'd see people literally moving around with their computer going to another room. It was so cool that nobody felt weird about that stuff and just getting to be, ugh, just like let loose, let our hair down. And it was amazing all the similarities we had even down to career paths for some of us. I don't know if that's typical of all your groups, but ours was like...

Wait, you were a teacher too? Like just like everybody? Or you're in the arts too, a nonprofit? Like we all had such similar stories and I was even in three different countries that was the case, or maybe four. And I also, one of the main things I got out of it is that I'm sort of further along on this journey than I realized that I have more useful things to contribute, because I expected to be sort of contributed to.

I was showing up, I was gonna participate, but I really got, I mean, I remember one time I was saying something about, oh yeah, and then I checked my, you know, like my daily list of how I do things and blah, and I did the whole thing, and you were like, wait, hold on, go back to your list, share with us like what kind of list that you have and what kind of tool you're talking about, and it's just a thing that I made, right? It's just like how it works for me right now, and I didn't realize that these, you know.

Katy Weber (she/her) (34:45.551)

Morgan Meredith (34:58.806)
these little workarounds and things like that would be helpful for other people. And I felt really flattered that they were useful for other people.

Katy Weber (she/her) (35:08.05)
Hmm. Yeah. I think that's, um, that's such a good point too. I feel like we get as much out of helping each other too, as we get, um, by, you know, wanting to look for the next cool tip or trick that's gonna, gonna help us figure out how to feel less chaotic. Um, so speaking of tools, like with your, um, with your,

software work? I mean, what do you, what do you even call yourself? Do you, you're a software develop? I mean, you're a, what are you? Consultant, a wizard? What do you find has been helping you with ADHD in terms of your workflow?

Morgan Meredith (35:42.286)
Oh, for a consultant, I think it's, yeah. Wizard, yeah, I have a staff and.

Morgan Meredith (35:56.89)
I love software in general and all of that stuff. I know there are a lot of people who do like fully automated homes where you can tell, Alexa, you're going to go do a laundry and things like that. I haven't set that kind of stuff up personally, but I do use AI quite a bit. So there is a set of tools called Goblin Tools and that is made, it runs on OpenAI, I think.

and it has all these different tabs and things that it will do for you. It's got a magic to-do list, which will break down anything you're trying to get done into mini to-do lists of like, here are the steps of how to get from A to B to C, and you can set your level of neuro spicy. So like how detailed does this thing need to get is the number of chili peppers that you select for your neuro spicy level. It's got a formalizer where it'll turn your

thoughts or your kind of brain dump into like a classy paragraph or a less formal or whatever like it'll change that kind of thing. The one that I use the most is called the judge and it's the little subtext of that is am I misreading the tone of this and when someone writes something and you stick it in there it'll tell you what's the tone because I misread a lot and Katie my favorite part is when I'm writing something especially when I'm frustrated and I put it in there

Katy Weber (she/her) (37:12.786)

Morgan Meredith (37:20.894)
And it'll say, like I had to, there was a client recently who just was like not responding and not paying her bill also. And I was like, okay, I'm ready to say something. And I wrote something and it was like, this is coming across as frustrated and aggressive. And I was like, no, no. But I, it's funny because I subconsciously knew exactly which words to remove. I knew, I knew, but I didn't know, no. So I removed those words.

Katy Weber (she/her) (37:48.446)

Morgan Meredith (37:50.19)
ran it again and it says it's coming across as like professional and like mildly frustrated because I was like that's okay. It's okay for me to be mildly frustrated and communicate that because I am. But it really helped me take those three steps from listen you send me the money, you know versus it's not a shakedown right it's a request so there's that. There's also the estimator and the subtext of that one is just tell me how long this is probably going to take.

And that is huge because like, I don't know. I just don't know. So that one's good for time blindness. Compiler, it'll take your brain dump, turn it into a list of tasks. And I think you're gonna love this one, Katie, the chef. You put in whatever random ingredients you have, you can put down serving sizes, you can put, I'm allergic to this, you can say, I don't do dairy. And the chef will give you some options on how to cook it. So it's like,

Yeah, it's outrageously cool and I use it almost every day. And I also use chat GPT quite a bit. I know you do as well. And so I use it for even little things like writing my bio. I've written my bio for so many different things and like, I want it to be slightly different each time. And, you know, like starting with a blank page is tough. But starting with something that's already written and saying, oh, no, this part's not right. And rewriting that part.

Or you know you have it right your body like make it a little less formal make a little more formal make it shorter That's what I typically tell it make it shorter make it shorter make it shorter make it one sentence long You know all of that stuff It's so useful to have something like that in your toolbox And I know there are a lot of problems with AI as well Especially on the visual image side and the video side as a as a former exhibiting artist myself like I see all of the bad sides to

Um, but this piece of it, for those of us who have these neurodivergent brains, it's like, we, we are in such a golden age of this stuff coming to be and the wild blast at the same time. So.

Katy Weber (she/her) (40:05.07)
Right? Yeah. I know I feeling that, especially going back to school now, because I'm seeing how much I'm relying on chat GPT. Just one of the things I really rely on it is like, do I understand this assignment? Right. So I'm not necessarily looking for chat GPT to write my answer. I'm just looking to see what an answer would look like, because oftentimes I feel like I think I understand what's being asked of me. And then I answer the question incorrectly. This happens to me on tests all the time. And I'm like,

I can't, it doesn't matter how many times I reread the question. It's like, I just don't get what the question was. And so oftentimes when I get an assignment, I'll put it into chat GBT to just be like, what would the answer be generated so that I can say, Oh, okay, that's what's needed of me. Right. And so it's so helpful, but at the same time, I'm also like, I want to be a good person and a good student and not be feel like I'm cheating all the time and, uh, really trying to like figure out.

How is it going to help me in a way that it feels ethical going back to school?

Morgan Meredith (41:08.966)
So you're putting the question in and asking for that question to be answered, and then you take that and you say, oh, this is the type of thing that my professor's looking for. And then you do your own. Is that kind of what you're doing?

Katy Weber (she/her) (41:23.286)
Yeah, exactly. Right. Where I'm like, I'm going to write my own answer, but I just want to like double check that I'm understanding the question because I feel like that happens to me a lot. I love the idea of the goblin tools tone. I had that happen to me the other day where I'm like, you know, we joke about like how with with.

with ADHD, I'm like, I write an email and I need to get the important stuff out of me first. So usually it's like bark bark. It's all negative. You know, this is all the edits. I had this all the time when I was an editor for freelance writers. I would like go to all the things that were wrong first, and then I would have to like get all of that out of me. And then I'd have to go back and be like, okay, now I have to go to the beginning of the email and be nice.

I'd be like, what would a nice human right now? And I'd have to be like, oh, it was really well done. And I'm like, I liked this part of this. Um, you know, and the same, we always joke about like going through communication and are there too many exclamation marks? Do I sound crazy? Are there not enough? Um, but I really, like I had, I like the idea of that, like that you called out that impulsive nature to be a little snarky. Cause like, I had that the other day where somebody

Morgan Meredith (42:21.419)
Thank you.

Katy Weber (she/her) (42:33.898)
I was communicating with somebody, I had already sent them a link and then they wrote me back and was like, can you send me that link? And so I could have just been like, sure, here it is. But I had to be like, sure, here it is again. Right? Just that little bit where I'm like, I'm still pleasant because I have an exclamation mark, but I'm letting us both know that we are, I already said to it, right? Like I couldn't not.

Morgan Meredith (42:46.318)
Thanks for watching!

Katy Weber (she/her) (42:57.49)
throw that in there, right? Like I was like, I just needed that tiniest little jab. And, and so I'm like, you just need somebody, some accountability of an AI to be like, you don't need that. Take it out. Um, I don't know. They haven't, they haven't replied to me. They probably never will because they were like, damn, she's snarky. Um, but you know, you find your people, right? Um, so, but like, is this an app?

Morgan Meredith (43:08.11)
Thanks for watching!

What was their reaction? I don't know.

Morgan Meredith (43:26.422)
It comes in apps and it's also a web, it's a web-based app, so you can download it on the Android store and the Apple store. And it is also a free website.

Katy Weber (she/her) (43:36.658)
So you cut and paste copy like you do with ChatGBT and it gives you its response. That's amazing.

Morgan Meredith (43:41.27)
Yeah, exactly. It's got basically a text box. And for those of us who are not typey type people, you can do the voice thing. The big type box where you put your stuff, you can click the little microphone and do it that way. Just talk into it and say, whatever it is, here's all the stuff I have in my fridge. Yeah, you know, like you can talk to it.

Katy Weber (she/her) (44:01.434)
So I can ramble on my car ride home and it can turn it into some sort of cohesive blog post. In theory. You're like, I don't know. Let's check it out. Um, yeah. Uh, um, that's awesome. I know it's, it is, it is. You're right. It totally feels like the wild west. Um,

Morgan Meredith (44:08.93)
Yeah, I mean, in theory, in theory. I mean, I'd love to see your blog post.

Katy Weber (she/her) (44:25.402)
but I'm going to have to check that out. I'll put a link to it. I'm sure everybody who's listening has already heard about Goblin Tools. So I know we've talked about it. I've heard people talking about it in the community and I'm always like, yeah, that's a list of things I need to check out, which is so long. Cool. So now the, let me see. What else do I want to ask you? What are some of the things that...

you love about your ADHD, either at work or just in life.

Morgan Meredith (44:58.062)
You know, it's interesting, my therapist just had me do a list of things I love about myself and a second list of things I wish I could change or that I'd like to change. And I noticed so many things were on both sides of that list. And so many of those things were ADHD related. So you know, all of these have the caveat of like, I love them, but also they come with some less desirable traits. So things like...

our creativity and our ability to connect deeply with everyone. You know, that's one of those ones that I, I'm so curious about everyone. And I want to know their story. But also, even when I'm not feeling curious, people will come and tell me their story. And I sometimes just want to be alone or just want to be doing whatever I'm doing. Like, and if I don't drop what I'm doing, it's rude because they're telling me like some deep, traumatic thing from childhood that I didn't ask for.

And like there's holding that space and holding that treasured thing that they've never told anybody else. And they're a random person on the street and like that kind of thing. It's amazing and it comes with this negative piece. You know, I also do like the impulsive nature. I have done so many cool things in my lifetime and people are like, how many lives?

are we talking about here? Like you've done this and this and this and this, you know, like I think, you know, I missed part of our group thing because I was doing the Super Bowl field team for the halftime show. It just like things like that. And you know, like I didn't have to do that. And I've traveled a ton and I've just done crazy things, but I've also done crazy things. You know what I mean? Like it's like you're saying, I can't believe I'm alive. It's like, you know, if you would have told.

15 year old Morgan that I'd even make it to 38. Like it was, it would have been shocking for me. I never imagined this, but those are some of my favorites. And yeah, just like our, our playful exploratory nature is, is one of my favorites.

Katy Weber (she/her) (47:10.378)
I feel like that's one of my favorite parts about talking with you too, is just, I feel like you're up for anything, right? And I feel like that's one of the things I love about conversations with this podcast too, which is like, we can, you know, just randomly talk about so many different things and be like, have like a real thoughtful, interesting...

approach, right? Like there's no, never that part of like, you know, uh, I was talking to somebody recently where I was like, you know, somebody's not your person when you're complaining about, I don't know, something, my neck hurts. And they're like, Oh, it'll be, it'll be okay. Right. I'm like, that's the worst answer anybody could give me. Like what I want is somebody to be like, huh, fascinating. Tell me more about that. Let's look that up together. Right. Like immediately become curious about what it is that you've presented to them. Right. And I think that there's just that wonderful.

Yeah, that openness, right? That openness for knowledge and a curiosity about life, where I think it's one of my favorite traits of myself and just so many people I know with ADHD, which is like, huh, interesting. Let's talk about that. Like, you know, I always game for whatever we're going to talk about. But when you were talking about the favorite things that I love and things I've.

don't love being the same thing. Have you ever seen that Cher meme? There's like an interview with Cher from decades ago where it was, I think it was Barbara Walters asking her, like, what's your favorite part of yourself? And she said, my brain. And then she's, what's your least favorite part of yourself? She's like, my brain. Yeah.

Morgan Meredith (48:37.242)

No, I haven't seen that. That's super clever though. Is she in our camps?

Katy Weber (she/her) (48:45.29)
Oh, I'm sure. I wouldn't be surprised. But yeah, I think anyone who talks about their brain in third person, like it's this petulant roommate of theirs that can't be trusted, I think is pretty much neurodivergent. Cool. So now, okay, so let me ask you if you could rename ADHD to something else, would you have another name for it?

Morgan Meredith (48:58.786)

Morgan Meredith (49:09.55)
I've thought about this one a lot and you have so many good answers in like 150 or something episodes or whatever that you're at this point. And honestly, Katie, I don't give a flying fuck what it's called. I don't. The fact that it has a name is fine. That it's a thing. What I would rather do, you know, in this hypothetical situation where all this money would be spent rebranding it and, you know, putting it in the DSM 6 or 7 or whatever.

I would rather have all that time and money and energy spent on figuring out other subtypes because I don't think that's complete. I think there's a lot missing there. You know, my subtype whatever is combination, no combined, combinations my skin, combined is my ADD. And that just means like it's kind of a catch all. It's just like you don't exactly fit either of these other things. But there are a lot of people who have.

combined subtype who are very, very different in what they deal with versus what I deal with and what works for them and what doesn't work for them. And of course, everybody's unique, but I think there are more subtypes and I would really like to see those defined further. And I'm sure people are working on that, but that's where I would spend that energy is naming and defining that stuff. Sorry, I'm not answering your actual question.

Katy Weber (she/her) (50:29.882)
Hmm. No, it's kind of cool. I like it because it is true. And I feel like that's one of those questions I have asked endlessly over the past few years now with this podcast of just like, wait a minute, what are we even talking about? Like I find that ADHD is very different for whoever you're talking to, right? In terms of like some people talk about it, like it is the brain and that is like my ADHD brain and this is how I think and that's ADHD. But I also think that a lot

don't think about it in terms of what your brain is like. They think of it mostly about existing behaviors, right? And so I feel like that's very different. There's what your brain thinks and who you are genetically speaking versus.

how you got to be the way you are in terms of your behaviors. And so I'm like, are those both ADHD? Are they not? Is this separate? And that's where I feel like the question of like neurodivergent brains and the spectrum, right? Is it such a huge question for me too, which is like, wait a minute, are we actually talking about autism now? I don't know. Like, and going back and forth between that. And I do, like, I feel like I will be endlessly exploring what the hell we're even talking about when we talk about ADHD.

Morgan Meredith (51:44.818)
I think you will. And I think that's why this podcast is continually so interesting is that everyone has a different take on it. And I personally don't care what we're talking about. Like we're talking about, I think I'm a little bit more like how you describe your daughter, like a little more comfortable in the ambiguity of it. Of like, I don't care. What I, what I care about is like there is a label and it means something in colloquial language. I say.

Katy Weber (she/her) (51:54.242)

Morgan Meredith (52:11.302)
Oh, I have ADHD, so I need this. And people are like, ADHD, I know what that means. And sometimes they're right, you know? But ultimately, yeah, I remember when I first got diagnosed, I was so happy and I was so excited. And I was telling people, and I remember I told a coworker, and she was like, oh, but we still like you, don't worry. And I was like, wait, what? Like, that's not, I'm not unhappy. I'm not like, I wasn't diagnosed with cancer.

I was diagnosed with ADHD, like, and I'm very happy about it. And a lot of my friends, Katie, were like, wait, you didn't know? And like, they were shocked I didn't know. I was like, oh, that's a little telling, isn't it? But like, when you say I have ADHD, that means something in the world. And if we change the name of it, you know, even going from when it changed from ADD to ADHD.

Katy Weber (she/her) (52:47.45)

Katy Weber (she/her) (52:53.188)
I don't

Morgan Meredith (53:04.486)
I for a long time thought those were different things and it took me a while to realize like, oh no, this is just the newfangled name, right? Like, and we can change it again. I don't care. Like as long as like out there, it means something that people get about me and how best to interact with me and how I can explain like, hey, the way you just told me that, it didn't land over here. Could you tell me it like this? And they're like, oh sure. You know, like nobody's ever an asshole about that.

you know, and like being able to ask for that kind of stuff, not like, not using it as an excuse, but as an explanation of like, hey, I need things, I need this, you know, and this is why people are like, okay, great. And so, yeah, I just don't care what it's called. Just as long as people get that there's something about my brain that's maybe a little different than theirs and the way that I process information that's a little different and...

you know, yeah, we can call it whatever we want.

Katy Weber (she/her) (54:03.11)
Right, yeah. Well, and I think oftentimes it gives us permission to ask for things in the first place. Whereas in before a, and why it was so transformative for so many of us, which was before a diagnosis, it was like, this isn't working for me. I don't really know why it's working for everybody else. So I'm gonna keep at it. As opposed to now where it's like, you don't have to say I have ADHD so I need you to repeat things. Or, you know, it's mostly just an explanation for yourself where you'll be like, oh, I've given myself now permission to ask.

for something different because I realize it's not some fundamental flaw in who I am that there is a difference here and that it's like, just that alone I think has been so helpful for many of us. It's like we don't have to always walk in the room and say like, hi, I'm Katie, I have ADHD, but it has allowed me to say, hi, I'm Katie and I'm gonna need you to like repeat yourself or I'm gonna need you to write that down, you know, and not feel like there's, you know, that I need to figure it out.

on my own. No.

Morgan Meredith (55:03.25)
Yeah, and I think that's really important, what you just said of not saying like, oh, I have a disability, so you need to treat me differently, please. But instead saying like, and it does come across in this very casual way of like, listen, I'm gonna, just so you know, I'm gonna remember everything about your life that you're telling me for the next five minutes, but I don't remember your name. Like.

Like, and it's funny and you can just be like, the way I process information is like this or, hey, for whatever reason, that particular noise drives me up the wall. Is there a chance that blah blah? People are like, oh my God, I'm so sorry. Yeah, no problem. Most of the time, right? And so not having to say this is why, but knowing in your own mind, this is why and making those requests. And I don't know, Katie, if this is something that's just happening.

as I age, but I'm getting less and less apologetic of saying, oh, I'm so sorry, I need this from you, or I'm so sorry, I didn't quite get that, but just like, tell me that again, you know? Like, and of course being like friendly and kind about it, but no longer apologizing for not getting it in the way that their brain works or whatever.

Katy Weber (she/her) (56:21.846)
Mm hmm. I know, right? Yeah. That's, that's another one where I kind of, sometimes in an email, I have to get it out of my system and apologize in the email, just to like get it out. Um, and then I'll go back and be like, how can I reword this in a way that where I'm not apologizing for something I don't need to apologize for, but I still have to like get it out. Um,

Yeah, that's a big one. I talked to my daughter about that all the time because she feels like she feels like apologies have sort of taken on a new meaning with Gen Z where it's like, it's almost just like a hello and a salutation is an apology. And I'm like, that's kind of fucked up. But you know, she doesn't look at it. You know, I'm always like, don't apologize for, for just existing. Right. And she's like, that's, she feels like apologies have taken on a new meaning. And I'm like, that's really interesting. And emoled etymological discussion, I think about how we view.

apology, right? How we view just that like, Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Um, that it's not really meant, there's no sense of like low self-worth in that. It's just kind of how people show up in the world. And I'm like, I don't know. That feels awful. Yeah.

Morgan Meredith (57:29.462)
Language has power though, like what I was talking about with changing my, I'm anxious to, I'm having anxious feelings. It matters. And coming in with I'm sorry for who I am or whatever, or like I'm sorry in general, it makes a difference. But hold on, didn't you also grow up in Canada?

Katy Weber (she/her) (57:48.33)
Oh, yes, exactly. Which is why I think I have to just get it out because I am absolutely the person who you will bump into me in a crowded airport and I will apologize for being in your way. And that is a hundred percent of Canadian trade for sure. Uh, I was just at the airport and told a hundred percent did that. Um, apologize, but you'd just be like, somebody, I think somebody rolled over my foot with their suitcase and I apologize. And I was like, wait a minute now that's you're allowed to stand where you are.

Morgan Meredith (58:14.046)

Morgan Meredith (58:18.098)
And then me, I would fly into an instant uncontrollable rage. And like, and when I say uncontrollable, back to like language having power, it's not uncontrollable. It's outsized for the moment of what happened.

Katy Weber (she/her) (58:18.275)
Um, yeah, right.

Katy Weber (she/her) (58:22.336)

Katy Weber (she/her) (58:31.358)
I like that. Right. And, and I think that was another thing that I feel like we've talked about a lot, which is like what that were that question that we always would come back to, which is like, what is wrong with me? This doesn't feel appropriate to the situation and not seeing all the, all the signs that led up to that. And then, and now it feels like I can't right. And, and it's, you slow down a little bit more and you can be like, Oh, okay. Now I see that there was, it was loud and the TV was on and I haven't eaten in six hours.

and all those things that kind of lead up to this. Oh my god why am I why am I yelling at everybody? All right so now um how can people find you and work with you and get more of you because you're so wonderful.

Morgan Meredith (59:06.478)
No true.

Morgan Meredith (59:15.01)
Thanks. Yeah, so my website is and I do have several different ways to work with me on there. So feel free to go through that. And I think one of the maybe juiciest ones for the women in ADHD folks might be the course building thing I have going on. So there is a group component where folks can meet and go through what they're building.

And I am going to shoot off a discount for your listeners, including myself, because I've listened to so many of your episodes. But yeah, so it's called Build That Course. And it is basically if you've had this kind of cool idea that you've been thinking about and you want to do it yourself, you don't want me to do it for you, which is, of course, an option. You really want to do it yourself. That is the program. And we've got a biweekly.

Katy Weber (she/her) (59:49.202)
I'm sorry.

Morgan Meredith (01:00:10.442)
every two weeks bi-weekly meeting where you can show up and show off what you're working on and ask questions and things like that.

Katy Weber (she/her) (01:00:18.018)
Oh, well, I highly recommend it. I I'm so grateful to you for being able to kind of take all of that information I dumped on you and put it into a wonderful course that I'm very proud of. So, um, yeah, well, thank you, Morgan. I love any opportunity I can have to chit chat with you, but I did, I don't feel like I had heard a lot of that, um, stuff regarding your diagnosis. So I appreciate that. And the TMS stuff. Holy crap. That's so interesting.

Morgan Meredith (01:00:26.374)
I'm sorry.

Morgan Meredith (01:00:32.278)

Morgan Meredith (01:00:35.714)
stay here.

Morgan Meredith (01:00:43.219)
Oh my gosh. Yeah, I was super excited to share that. And every time I hear your commercial for your course, I feel like this sense of pride bubbling up. I'm like, I helped with that. That's part of what I did. So yeah, thank you so much for having me, Katie.

Katy Weber (she/her) (01:00:59.54)